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Every 4.2 minutes, a person in PA/SJ dies without Christ. Let's show Christ's love before it is too late!

#LovePASJ Week of Prayer and Offering for Missions


The Baptist Resource Network (BRN) seeks to help churches accelerate Kingdom movement and to love their neighbors. The #LovePASJ initiative, which is supported by this offering (formerly known as the State Missions Offering), is a three-phase plan to help churches KNOW our neighbors through exegesis and prayerwalking; SHOW Christ’s love to them through evangelism and compassion ministry; and help them GROW through intentional discipleship and leadership development. Please lift BRN churches and ministries in prayer. Thank you!


To promote the offering in your church, feel free to download the following resources, available in multiple languages. To download in jpg format, click on desired graphic to open in a full window. Then, right click on the image and choose “save image as.” To download in pdf format, click on desired graphic and choose File, export as pdf from the menu.

Example of resources

Planning Guide (8.5×11)

Download the two-sided Planning Guide to assist you in setting up the Week of Prayer and Offering at your church.

SMO22 Planning Guide (color)
SMO22 Planning Guide gray

Prayer Guides (11×8.5)

Download the one-page Prayer Guide Bulletin Insert, or the two-page version, in full color or grayscale.

SMO22 Prayer Bulletin (1up)

SHOW Prayer Bulletin (1up)

SMO22 Prayer Bulletin (1up) gray

SHOW Prayer Bulletin (1up) gray

SMO22 Prayer Bulletin (2up)

SHOW Prayer Bulletin (2up)

SMO22 Prayer Bulletin (2up) gray

SHOW Prayer Bulletin (2up) gray

Click on the image to preview the video and on the button to download it.

SHOW-Compassion Ministry

#LovePASJ State Missions Offering: Compassion Ministry

SHOW-Disaster Relief

#LovePASJ State Missions Offering: Disaster Relief

SHOW-Next Gen Ministry

#LovePASJ State Missions Offering: Next Gen Ministry

SHOW Opener

#LovePASJ SHOW Opener


#LovePASJ State Missions Offering Explainer Video

BW video

Barry Whitworth introduces BRN’s 2022 Week of Prayer and Offering for Missions


Church Poster (11×17)

Put on display in your church to remind people of your church’s offering goal.

SMO22 Poster-English

Offering Poster-English

SMO22 Poster-French

Offering Poster-French

SMO22 Poster-Spanish

Offering Poster-Spanish

#LovePASJ logos in multiple variations

#LovePASJ text white – heart blue
#LovePASJ text white-heart orange
#LovePASJ text-blue
#LovePASJ text-gray
#LovePASJ text-orange
#LovePASJ text-white
LovePASJ logo (blue-orange arms-tag)
LovePASJ logo (blue-orange arms)
LovePASJ logo (blue-orange arms)
LovePASJ logo (gray-no tag)
LovePASJ logo (gray-no tag)
LovePASJ logo (gray-tag)
LovePASJ logo (gray-tag)
LovePASJ logo (white-blue arms-tag)
LovePASJ logo (white-blue arms)
LovePASJ logo (white-gray-tag)
LovePASJ logo (white-gray-tag)
LovePASJ logo (white-gray)
LovePASJ logo (white-gray)
LovePASJ logo (white-orange arms-tag)
LovePASJ logo (white-orange arms)
LovePASJ logo-one color-full-blue
LovePASJ logo-one color-full-blue
LovePASJ logo-one color-full-gray
LovePASJ logo-one color-full-gray
LovePASJ logo-one color-full-orange
LovePASJ logo-one color-full-orange
LovePASJ logo-one color-full-white
LovePASJ logo-one color-full-white
LovePASJ logo-one color-outline-blue
LovePASJ logo-one color-outline-blue
LovePASJ logo-one color-outline-gray
LovePASJ logo-one color-outline-gray
LovePASJ logo-one color-outline-orange
LovePASJ logo-one color-outline-orange
LovePASJ logo-one color-outline-white
LovePASJ logo-one color-outline-white
SHOW Graphic blue text
SHOW Graphic white text
SHOW Graphic white text

#LovePASJ presentation slides in 16:9 and 4:3 ratios and in multiple languages

16:9 Presentation Slides

SMO22 Slides-16x9-English

Offering Slides-16×9-English

SMO22 Slides-16x9-French

Offering Slides-16×9-French

SMO22 Slides-16x9-Spanish

Offering Slides-16×9-Spanish

4:3 Presentation Slides

SMO22 Slides-4x3-Spanish

Offering Slides-4×3-Spanish

SMO22 Slides-4x3-French

Offering Slides-4×3-French

SMO22 Slides-4x3-English

Offering Slides-4×3-English

#LovePASJ social graphics in multiple languages for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter


SHOW Facebook-English

SHOW Facebook-English

SHOW Facebook-French

SHOW Facebook-French

SHOW Facebook-Spanish

SHOW Facebook-Spanish


SHOW Instagram-English

SHOW Instagram-English

SHOW Instagram-French

SHOW Instagram-French

SHOW Instagram-Spanish

SHOW Instagram-Spanish


SHOW Twitter-English

SHOW Twitter-English

SHOW Twitter-French

SHOW Twitter-French

SHOW Twitter-Spanish

SHOW Twitter-Spanish

Want to give?



Please pray for the BRN’s nearly 330 churches who seek to love their neighbors through outreach, prayer and evangelism. May the Lord bountifully provide fresh vision for their ministries and an abundance of resources and refreshment for those in need. May God give church leaders and members a renewed calling and an increasing desire for revival and may we all accelerate Kingdom movement across our region and beyond.


Please pray for BRN churches who seek to represent the Kingdom of God in their communities. Pray for God to give church members a vision for really showing love to their neighbors and to take advantage of available tools to help them evangelize their neighborhoods. Specifically pray churches will begin praying for their neighbors daily (and if possible, by name), resulting in a movement of prayer all around our region.


Please pray for the BRN’s hard-working disaster relief teams who have met the needs of neighbors, near and far, through food distribution, recovery from devastating floods, fires and hurricanes, prayer, and more. Please pray specifically for more volunteers to be called out to make a difference for those impacted by the unexpectedness of a disaster! May we be ready in season and out of season to encourage and share God’s Word (2 Tim. 4:2).


Please pray for the over 750,000 college students across PA/SJ to respond to God’s call for salvation and service. Pray against the increasing percentage of young adults who leave the church once out on their own. Pray they connect with on-fire Christians who love their neighbors in this pivotal time of their lives. 


Please pray for our many churches who have been showing love to their neighbors through compassionate ministries, such as food distribution. Pray those opportunities, as well as other compassionate ministries, open up the door for gospel conversations between church members and their neighbors. Pray for churches to be more outward focused and increasingly burdened for their neighbors.


Knowing that 14 million people in PA/SJ do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, please pray God compels our church members to initiate conversations and share meals with their neighbors. Who might be the person you reach out to today?


Please pray all BRN churches would experience a God-sent revival, resulting from the simple yet powerful action of burdened Christians choosing to love their neighbors like never before.


Just as Lottie Moon gifts support international missionaries, and Annie Armstrong gifts support North American missionaries, the #LovePASJ Missions Offering supports mission efforts right here at home. Please pray God gives grace and favor to the BRN team members who work daily to assist churches in these local mission efforts.

The #LovePASJ State Missions Offering is inspired by Ed and Mary Price, church-planting pioneers in PA/SJ.

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